Meet Christie Brooks, your Functional Medicine Provider at OneLife Wellness
Christie Brooks is a Functional Medicine Provider at OneLife Wellness. She is also a Registered Dietitian (RD) for over 20+ years, 15+ years Diabetes Education and is a L1 CrossFit Trainer. She is a member of the Institute of Functional Medicine. Christie offers one-on-one personalized Wellness Plans and coaching to all – non-athletes to athletes. The core of her programs get to the root cause of the underlying issue. Some need something as simple as repairing and replenishing gut health just to get weight off. Some are multifactorial from Adrenal or Thyroid Insufficiency along with poor gut health. Whatever it may be, the byproduct of the healing process is WEIGHT LOSS and IMPROVED HEALTH.
Christie’s passion is to help others with their health simply through movement and good nutrition while addressing the root cause of body-systems malfunction, relying heavily on the Creator’s pharmacy of colorful food, herbs, and botanicals that provide an abundance of phytonutrients, minerals, and vitamins.